Saturday, March 12, 2011

Oh, Pooh

Some comments from last week exchanged between me and my 3rd grader:

Get Pooh out of your bag, please.
I like Pooh.
Pooh is funny.
Pooh is my favorite.
Pooh got stuck.

And....I'm five.

The truth is that Pooh saved my life this week....Winnie that is.

I literally have been challenged all year by my sweet and hilarious 3rd grader who has been struggling desperately to read braille. We've been climbing this mountain all year, and I've been trying endlessly to not only teach him to read, but to find books that are at his reading level that he finds interesting to read. No easy feat.

That is, until Pooh.

It all culminated this week when his reading skills peaked, and I handed him a Winnie the Pooh book that he apparently thought was hilarious. Therefore, I kept 'em coming. My little guy has never read more and had so much fun doing it in his life, and I can barely keep up.

He ASKED me to braille him TONS of books for Spring Break, which I eagerly did. I sent him to his class at the end of the day with a HUGE bag of books, to which his teacher said:
"Woah! Mrs. Chambers loaded you up with work for Spring Break!"

What does my cool guy respond with? "Oh, no!! It's not work....they're books!"


And this, my friends, is when it feels great to be a teacher. And the next week off doesn't hurt either.


"Some people care too much, I think it's called love".
--Winnie the Pooh

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