Friday, June 29, 2012

Little Discoveries

One of the really fun parts of being a mom is enjoying all of Abby's little discoveries.  Everything is so new and exciting for her.  It is also pretty awesome that she says, "Ooooooh!" when she gets excited about something, too.  In Angel Fire, Abby loved looking at every rock, every piece of bark, and every flower.  It was fun to enjoy them alongside her.




This pic is kind of scary and cute all at the same time.  Had to share.

The stresses of work, being a new mom, trying to keep the house in order and the husband happy, maintaining friendships and being with family may have gotten to me a little more than I had realized.  Being away allowed me to take a breather and remember that God is bigger than all of it, and he gave us each blessed moment as a gift.

I just need to keep remembering that now that I am home!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Parkin' It

Almost everyday in Angel Fire, we spent some time at one of the fabulous parks they have there.  It was really fun to see Abby explore. 

 Surprisingly, she is a little hesitant to climb through the tubes or go down the slides. What she loves most is picking up rocks.

And she loves to swing.

 And she loves to pick up rubber bark. 

One of the coolest places we went was in Taos, and it is called TWIRL.  It has an AMAZING outdoor play space, and we went several times.

I loved seeing my little Abby explore!  We had a blast!!

Angel Fire

Since school's out for the summer, Abby and I were able to tag along with Jared on an audit he was doing for work in Angel Fire, NM.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect because Jared was going to be working ALOT, and there's not a whole lot to do in the small town...

But I am SO glad that we went.  I think I didn't even know I was in need of a LIFE DETOX.  But I got a big old, two week dose of it.  And it was perfect.

First of all, it was BEAUTIFUL.  Highs in the 70s, Lows in the 30s, and purse gorgeousness.

We spent lots of time at some awesome playgrounds.

We took lots of walks and hikes.

We lunched on the patio.

And we spent lots of Abby and Mommy time playing.

So thankful!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

11 Months!

Month 10 has come and gone, and our precious Abby is 11 months old!  I must say that each month with her just keeps getting better and better.  Make no mistake - she's no perfect angel - but she sure is a load of laughs and sweet moments.

We went on our first vacation this month (those blog post are coming...), and I'm starting to realize that she understands quite a bit now - which is awesome and scary at the same time!  For example, the other day I bent down to pick something up and Jared gave me a little "love pat" on my backside.  Abby came right up and did the same thing!  Oh my....

Here's the scoop (so I can remember later!)

LIKES: Walking/Running, picking up rocks, moving items from one container to another, mixing bowls, measuring cups (dollar store, here we come!), Gigi her giraffe, dragging blankets around, snuggling (hooray!), discovering new places, music, chewing on books, kicking a ball, holding as many things as possible in her hands, flipping through books and mom's magazines.

DISLIKES: having something taken away from her, the church nursery, letting mom look in her mouth, certain foods on any given day.

Naps: 2 naps a day (around 9 and 1:30)

Night time:  7 ish bedtime....6 wake-up!!  We are trying to stick to our mountain-time sleep's to hoping!

Eating:  Bottle in the morning, Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, and Bottle at bedtime.  Jared and I fight over who gets to give her the nighttime bottle...we know this time with her will not be long-lived.

All the Best,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

10 Months!

My little sweetheart is 10 months old, and life with her just keeps getting better and better.  Each day her personality blossoms, her sense of humor grows, and she discovers something new!

Of course, the sleeping through the night thing helps life, too.  Praise Jesus!

LIKES: walking (there's no more crawling around here - it's for babies.), trying to run when you chase her or she takes off with something she should have, handing you toys, putting toys in baskets, dragging blankets around the room, grapes, blueberries, and green smoothies, the pool, the bath, eating books, bouncing up and down to music, feeding the dogs from her high chair, her musical stuffed giraffe at nap time, and being held or snuggling (on her own terms, of course!)

DISLIKES: having something taken away from her, loud noises, the church nursery, the doctor's office, and taking medicine. (We learned these the hard way this month!)

Naps: 2 naps a day (around 9 and 1:30)

Night time:  6:30 ish bedtime....5:30 wake-up!!  It does not matter how late she goes to bed, she is up around 5/5:30.  BUT I DO NOT CARE BECAUSE SHE'S SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!

Eating:  Bottle in the morning, Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, and Bottle at bedtime.  Mommy couldn't keep up and just officially weaned from nursing.  I was a little sad, but I am proud we made it this far!! Now Daddy can give the bedtime bottle, which he loves. Extra extra snuggle time.

All the Best,